Topics and goals: Directly controlling the effect of uncertainty on a dynamical system amounts to actively shaping the future evolution of the distribution of the system trajectories--an infinite-dimensional, and often intractable problem. However, several recent advances have made it possible to control these trajectory distributions in a systematic and precise manner.
This ACC 2021 workshop will strike a balance between the theory and applications of distributional control. Its main goal is to bring together researchers across systems-control engineering to inform about recent advances, put the different strands of progress in perspective to get a clearer view of the research landscape, and promote discussions and collaborations to pursue the exciting vistas ahead.
Several topics that reflect the main philosophy behind controlling distributions will be discussed and summarized. In addition to the nine planned talks delivered by leading researchers in distributional control, the dedicated Q&A session in the afternoon will allow all participants to engage in lively discussions.
Efstathios Bakolas [University of Texas at Austin]
Yongxin Chen [Georgia Institute of Technology]
Abhishek Halder [University of California, Santa Cruz]
Panagiotis Tsiotras [Georgia Institute of Technology]